.: Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang :.

July 9, 2008

breastmilk, the one and only

hehe..belum ade masa nak update...
so keje copy paste je la dulu ek...
bleh berkongsi dengan kawan-kawan

kita cuba our best!...kita merancang Allah menentukan :)

target bulan demi bulan....bf...jgn stress...stress nt lagi susu kurang :)
faham:) situasi ibu bekerja tak sama ...itulah namanya pengorbanan untuk anak ok? :)
copy paste dari susuibu.com

The following is a quote from Ebrahim, a senior lecturer at London's famous Institute of Child Health:

Artificial feeding carries risks. Infants who are fed artificially are biologically different from those who are breastfed. Their blood carries a different pattern of amino acids, some of which may be at levels high enough to cause anxiety. The composition of their body fat is different. They are fed a variety of carbohydrates to which no other mammalian species is exposed in neonatal life. They have higher plasma osmolality, urea and electrolyte levels. Their guts are colonised by a potentially invasive type of micro-flora, at the same time as they are exposed to large amounts of foreign protein resulting in an immunologic response. In addition they are deprived of the various immune factors present in human milk. All these factors need to be taken into account every time a decision is made not to breastfeed an infant, for inherent in that decision are known and unknown risks to the infant.

Minchin, 1998

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