.: Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang :.

June 4, 2008

Faktor Pengaruhi Kejayaan Penyusuan

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Faktor Pengaruhi Kejayaan Penyusuan Susu Badan

Penyusuan susu ibu nampaknya mudah,
namun ia tetap memerlukan pelbagai persediaan untuk anda
terus menjayakannya sehingga bayi berusia dua tahun.
  • ImageDapatkan ilmu tentang penyusuan.
  • Belajar teknik dan posisi penyusuan.
  • Menyusukan bayi satu jam pertama kelahiran.
  • Sokongan daripada suami, keluarga dan rakan. Ibu juga boleh mendapatkan sokongan daripada rakan penyusuan online seperti di susuibu.com.
  • Pilih hospital dan doktor yang cenderung kepada penyusuan susu ibu.
  • Bersedia dari segi mental dan fizikal semenjak hamil lagi.
  • Berniat untuk menjayakan penyusuan susu ibu sejak hamil lagi.
  • Makan makanan yang berkhasiat dan seimbang.
  • Jauhi dan uruskan stress dengan berkesan.
  • 'Buat pekak' kepada mereka yang negatif terhadap penyusuan susu ibu.
  • Tahu bila perlu mendapatkan bantuan.
  • Simpan nombor telefon kaunselor laktasi atau rakan yang menyokong penyusuan susu ibu.

3 month old, third week


How your baby's growing

Is your baby strong enough to hold up his head now to see what's going on? Better joint flexibility allows many three-month-olds to wave and kick more forcefully and to open their fingers and bring their hands together.

A few babies stop needing a night feed around now, giving you a chance to rediscover sleep. Even if your baby still needs feeding in the night, by now she should be asleep for longer at night and settling down in the evening. It doesn't always happen though, and some babies remain fickle sleepers. If you haven't already thought about it, now is a great time to introduce a bedtime routine.

Chances are your little charmer is still bestowing smiles on everyone he meets this month, but he's getting choosier about the company he keeps. In large groups or with people he doesn't know very well, he may need some time to adapt.

The temporal lobe in your baby's brain, which handles hearing, language, and smell, is bustling with activity now. Make the most of it by talking to your baby, playing music, and reading out loud.