.: Dengan Menyebut Nama Allah Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang :.

March 28, 2007

thanks Salihah!!!

petang ni boring-boring bukak emel...lor terkejut ade suprise to me....

tak sangka salihah my best friend ex hira' (classmate hira') bagi picture ni ...dia wat sendiri dan dia tujukan khas to both of us...thanks!!...we really appreciated your virtual gift.....
nanti buat la lagi ek!...awalnye bagi gift..hiks actually i yg patut bagi u gift on your coming besday (29/3/2007)..ni kire wish awai la ye dr kite untuk anda!..ahaks..."tiada hadiah bermakna untuk awak tahun ni melainkan hadiah seorang baby yang comel..Fateh Imtiyaz!"...hiks!


alhamdulillah!..alhamdulillah!..alhamdulillah...selautan syukurku ku kepada Allah...still not enough to express my feeling ...terima kasih ya allah!terima kasih bg insan-insan tersayang yang mendoakan...sebenarnya debaran kerja yg mendatang ni lagi merisaukan...apa2pun...hidup perlu diteruskan..doakan saya ye kawan-kawan!!..amin!!

tepat jam 10.00pm khamis mlm jumaat last week...22/3/07....after visited my uncle..my mum told me that "along ada envelope besar dari SPA atas meja tue".....

u know what??? i hv received an offer letter from SPA (Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam)/(JPA) to fill in the position as an Information Technology Officer (Pegawai Sistem Maklumat). I am required to report duty on April 22, 2007. heppi sgt!terharu hampir menitiskan air mata.terus i kiss my mum 2x (hubby kat sebelah tercenggang2...hiks!..nasibla ..hihi)

so one month notis untuk berenti keje.apa lagi, jumaat terus anto resign letter kat kompeni skrg.sedih+mcm2 perasaan.....nak tinggalkan kawan2...uwaaaaa..dah 2 tahun kat sini.....
sbg kenangan yg tak terhingga..i paste kan my 1st resign letter (b4 this semua resign sbb tamat kontrak)...so ni laaa surat 1st and hopefully last one i buat resign letter sepanjang hayat.amin!!

Nur Nuha Mohd Yusuff
March 23, 2007


It is with great reluctance that I submit this letter of resignation as Project Executive, effective from April 20, 2007. I have accepted an offer by the Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia (SPA) /Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) to fill in the position as an Information Technology Officer (Pegawai Sistem Maklumat). I am required to report duty on April 22, 2007.

It has been a genuine pleasure working for Warisan Global during these past two years. I have enjoyed working with Warisan Global's fine staff of professionals, and I will miss them dearly. I have sincerely enjoyed my two years of tenure with Warisan Global Sdn Bhd and have appreciated all that you have done for me.

If I may be of any assistance in the hiring process or training of my replacement, please be informed that I will gladly make myself available to this effort and help ensure a smooth transition. Again, thank you for the opportunity to be a part of Warisan Global Sdn Bhd. I am sincerely grateful for the training and guidance you have provided over the past two years. I wish you and Warisan Global continued success in all your endeavors.

Nur Nuha Mohd Yusuff